From the looks of the final program, it seems like there will only be two presentations related to low carbohydrate diets: This one, and Dr. Jeffrey Gerber's talk. It will be interesting to see the responses I get as a medical student, especially from the doctors that have been treating their patients with low calorie diets for decades. Whether they applaud or throw tomatoes at me, it will be a memorable experience I'm sure.
The crowd-sourced research model that is the basis for this registry will surely be a change from the conventional, high cost, low efficiency studies that will be presented. While much of what I say will likely be controversial, I am just reporting what gets reported to me, in aggregated form. The sample size is approaching 3,000 people, representing all 50 U.S. states and over 52 countries around the world.
The talks will be recorded, and will be posted as soon as possible. In the mean time, you can follow the experience from our point of view on twitter: @AncestralWLR.