Meet Sheri.
A year later, I was at a health fair, and the nurse doing the blood sugar testing told me I had pre-diabetes. I was in denial. I didn't believe him at all. Still, I wanted to be sure, so I started taking readings on my old blood sugar meter. It was right. I did have it. I was so shocked and sad. I started following a carb restricted diet. I lost about 30 pounds just doing that, but then I stalled again. I read about something called The Primal Blueprint, so I stopped eating grains of all kinds. It really worked. I lost another 25 pounds or so. I've been stalled since June 2011, but it's been my own fault. Every time I get on a roll with my carb restriction and lose a pound or two, I have a carb relapse and eat pizza or something, and gain the pound or two back. It's been over and over like this. Still, I think of carb restriction as the most successful plan I've ever tried. My husband is not on board with me, and I know that if he were, I could lose the 20 pounds more I would like to lose. I'm not giving up, though. I feel much, much better when I don't eat the carbs. I have more energy, and I sleep better.
If I eat carbs, then I have headaches, and mental fuzziness. I am also more irritable. I feel like carbs are a drug for me. Anyway, that is my story. I hope someone will benefit from my telling it.
The new Sheri.
Family members who are not supportive, especially when they buy things I should not have.
For me, it is life or death. I don't want to die of diabetes complications or heart disease. These things are rampant in my family. I don't know if I would have changed anything about my diet if I had not been diagnosed pre-diabetic. I just was not wiling to give up the foods I loved, until it became a health issue. If you need to lose weight, please don't let it get to this severe a point before you do something.