I never went Very Low Carb as I have read a number of people struggle to stay less than 50g and many reported a loss in energy. I wanted something that I could do for ever without the struggles I had been having. I was tired of struggling. Eating lower carbohydrates and cutting out grains, legumes, sugar, and processed foods have been all positive. My carbohydrates now come from the huge amounts of vegetables and fruits I eat. I have almost totally eliminated anything that comes in a box or packet with an ingredient panel.
Eating Primal/Paleo is the best thing I ever did. At first I counted every calorie and weighed every day. Now I weigh weekly. I only count calories if I see a pound or two creep on which usually means I need to pay a bit more attention to portion control rather than change what I eat. After many years of weighing and measuring with no good result, there is no stress in doing this and for me it is an effortless way to keep an eye on things. From a high of 190lb down to my current 130lb my weight remains stable with no more binge/starve, no cravings, no statins, more energy, clearer head, heightened sense of taste, good blood pressure, and blood test results after 1 year are excellent. I’m happy and my doctor is happy. My husband (73), impressed by my increased energy and improved health, has joined me in this WOE. His health has also improved (but that is his story to tell).
The biggest challenge is being able to afford the better quality proteins and vegetables. It is a challenge I willingly accept as the rewards have been enormous.
What advice (if any) would you give to someone interested in trying a carbohydrate-restricted or paleo diet? Were there any obstacles that you overcame that could help future dieters?
Some family members were sceptical at first but after seeing the results are now supportive and usually serve some Primal foods at family gatherings. Other members have seen the results and joined us. At other times or with friends I often take a plate to share. Otherwise I just do it. Because I am rarely hungry between meals it is no big deal to just have the coffee/tea and pass on the cakes or pastries. After all it is my life that may be at stake.
I would recommend a Primal/Paleo lifestyle to anyone struggling to lose weight or maintain a weight loss. For many attempting weight loss, constant hunger and cravings are the biggest hurdle and with this way of eating (for me at least), it has become a non-issue.
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