After the birth of my second son i ended up weighing in at a whopping 267lbs on my tiny 5'2 frame. My BMI was a 48.8, my doctor recommended me for gastric bypass due to my high blood pressure and I was terrified.
I knew I had to do something.
January 6th 2009 I started my Low Carb diet. I was SO tired of being unhealthy and sick. I didn't want to be the "fat wife" or "fat mom" anymore. I didn't want to avoid being in pictures with my beautiful boys or husband, I didn't want to avoid taking my kids to the park anymore because kids would tease me and I didn't want to put my kids through that either. Most of all, I was scared of the destructive path I was on.
The food was delicious and the weight began to fly off and my confidence began to SOAR!
People around me who doubted and scoffed at Low Carb previously started to ask me for tips and began to follow my way of eating (with success!) too! About 20 months later I had lost 150lbs. My life has COMPLETELY changed. I can do everything with my kids now! I can fit in any seat in any restaurant, ride or arena! I can go into ANY clothing store! Best of all, for the past 3 Christmas' we've done family portraits and this is the most precious thing to me. I can't make up for the years and pictures I lost, but I can certainly make sure that I never go back to that person again!
Say Hello to Amy Today:
It wasn't really a challenge for me, rather the people and/or society around me.
What advice (if any) would you give to someone interested in trying a carbohydrate-restricted or paleo diet? Were there any obstacles that you overcame that could help future dieters?
If you fall off of the wagon, get right back on the next day!! All is not lost.
Tried a paleo or carb-restricted diet and want to contribute to a better understanding of this way of eating? Join the registry today!