Meet Mindy.
I maintained that low for only a few years and then stress & life and M&M's were introduced and I gained 40 or so pounds back. I attempted calorie restriction again with only moderate success. I started listening to Jimmy Moore's Livin' La Vida Low Carb podcast and decided to try that (I had done "Atkins" years prior). My weight loss picked up considerably and I started reading and listening to more podcasts, digging into the blogs. I transitioned my way of eating to a more Primal (Paleo + HF dairy) with a focus on food quality and that's where I am today. About 8 months ago I started exercising with kettlebells and now have added TRX suspension work and plan to start sprinting when the snow melts!
I am not where I want to be, weight-wise, but also have some thyroid and adrenal issues to contend with and trust that if I stay the course, I may get there - or not. I think I am at a healthy point even though my appearance is not what I would like.
Meet the new Mindy.
I crave sugar and sweets (almost) all the time. I definitely have a sweet tooth and it is a contstant battle. I can live without bread and grains but if I could eat ice cream or candy a couple of times a week without consequence, I would (which I can't!!)
I would advise them to just try it! This is a hard-sell. There are so many people who have complemented me and ask me how I did it, and then immediately say, "well, I couldn't give up my ______(pasta, bread, etc). Surprisingly, you can. I am at a point where I never crave pasta or bread...but still love sweets. Some people naturally prefer savory foods and I think they are naturals for this way of eating!!