Meet Joe
After shifting to a paleo diet (yes, I go off the rails about once a month) it's just gone. I'm now down to 255, I sleep well, I lift weights and exercise, I no longer have knee pain or neurological oddities. I am less anxious, and my diverticulitis is gone. My knee pain vanished and now I have a standing desk. I'm migrating into doing a lot of personal training and paleo guidance on the side and a lot of my friends and family have seen a huge improvement as well.
Meet the new Joe
The biggest challenge is finding time to think ahead about meals, and learning to eat on the fly when you can't do that. It takes a while to learn where you can and cannot easily eat and to learn to choose foods that are good for you.
Do not let perfection stand in your way. If you can only get cheap cuts of supermarket meats and frozen veggies then do that. If you can't live without a diet soda in the morning then go nuts. Taking that first big step away from gluten and tons of sugar is the best thing you can do for yourself and even if you're diet isn't "paleo perfect" you are doing better than 95% of the people out there eating a SAD.