Meet Elizabeth.
At that point, I was terribly unhealthy -- overweight, not sleeping, in constant pain, daily migraines, having difficulty focusing, asthma. You name it; I had it. And to top it off, I just kept getting fatter and fatter, no matter what I tried.
I finally decoded to go gluten free in desperation as a way to dal with MS. I had read Atkins, so I combined Atkins with gluten free. The weight melted off. And I immediately felt better. It took about six months before I really felt "healed," but I knew immediately that gluten free low carb was the answer to everything -- my health issues, my weight, my headaches, etc. It has been six years, and dropping gluten was the single best decision I ever made.
The new Elizabeth.
Travel for work, that included meals that were already set. I travel quite a bit, and while I can usually manage to eat out if i am in control, it is much harder when meals and snacks are all planned banquet style.
Do not fear fat. Eat when hungry, but not on a schedule. Give it a month before you even touch the scale for the first time.