By the time I got to college I had found the greatness of Ephedrine! I was 5'7 and 145lbs; never mind the, less than spectacular, results I had on the baseball field my freshman year, I was at my BMI!
Anyhow, in the next four years along with my degree pro football players started dropping from apparent ephedrine use. Soon after it was taken off the shelf and my weight started creeping up. Buy 29 I was still 5'7 but over 200 lbs for the first time ever. My back killed me at night, had bad seasonal allergies, a few sinus infections a year, and my labido was pretty darn low. My diet? Well, lets just say I enjoyed morning donuts, night time ice cream, and everything between could be found on a pizza hut menu.
That year I decided to not go into my 30's fat and sick and started a new home made diet. Give up Burgers the first week, pizza the next and so on. I ended up giving up bread and pasta and lost about 30 lbs in less than 6 months.
At 175 lbs I felt and slept a ton better but was working out a couple hours a day and pretty much hit a wall.
A year later my bother introduced me to Crossfit which meshed perfectly with my masochist view of fitness. With the help of the daily WOD I got stronger than ever at about 165 lbs, and was happily killing my self on a 3 on 1 off rotation. While Crossfit did not turn out to be the Holy Grail like I thought it was, it did introduce me to Robb Wolf, and about 3 years ago, I went Paleo.
Right away Robb's podcast and then his book helped me figure out my seasonal allergies and sinus infections. Plus the whole, Ancestral eating thing just made sense. Anyhow, I am now 34 and only wish I could have played baseball in college with the knowledge I have now. I am 180 lbs at about 10% body fat; with energy and strength I thought about trying to get out a bottle back then. And it is easy!
I enjoy food, and I am not neurotic about it. I don't count calories except for the occasional day to see where I am at and if my calories intake is aligned with my goals. I eat until I am full and eat when I feel like it. I let activity dicate how many starchy carbs I eat and enjoy the protein and fat all the time. The only hard part is constantly telling people what I do only to watch them turn to the latest diet trend.
I guess I'll leave it at this; Paleo, Primal, Ancestral, or what every you want to call it works to the degree you are willing to do it.
What advice (if any) would you give to someone interested in trying a carbohydrate-restricted or paleo diet? Were there any obstacles that you overcame that could help future dieters?
Don't jump in the deep end. Replace your grains with roots and tubers and slowly try and get down around 100 or less carbs a day.
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