Being genetically predisposed to corpulence, I have battled with weight issues since my teenage years. Low fat, calorie restricted diets did work for a time, but I would inevitably gain the weight back. As I aged, even these diets proved ineffective. In April of 2001, I began a low-carb lifestyle, deciding that whatever diet I started, I would do it for the rest of my life. I cut sugars and starches from my diet, and eat adequate protein, good fats, lots of green vegetables, and some berries. I started at 167 and I now weigh 125. I went from a size 14 to a size 6 and have kept the weight off for almost 11 years. My cholesterol levels have improved, I am in perfect health, with a significant increase in energy, and no hunger. I am happy to continue this eating plan for life.
What was the biggest challenge to adopting a carbohydrate-restricted or paleo diet?
I am a people pleaser, and the biggest challenge for me was having to tell people that I could not eat the food they offered me.
What advice (if any) would you give to someone interested in trying a carbohydrate-restricted or paleo diet? Were there any obstacles that you overcame that could help future dieters?
Believe that a low-carb plan will work for you. It is a learning experience, so relax, enjoy the journey, and don't be discouraged if you make mistakes. Even if you stall for a while, you are still going in the right direction. Also, let it be well-known that you are following a low-carb plan so that your host/hostess is not offended when you refuse a high carb dish.
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