Meet Michael.
A friend of mine introduced me to LCHF by giving me The Protein Power Life Plan by Drs. Michael and Mary-Dan Eades. I jumped on board immediately. Cleaned out my cupboards, fridge and pantry and started of anything with wheat, grains sugar and vegetable oils. I applied what I learned and went cold turkey, no weaning. The first week I list 7lbs. I continued to lose a pound a day for a month.
I was down 60lbs in 3 months. I am now down 92lbs and keeping it off. I no long have High blood pressure, my pre-diabetes is gone, asthma gone, haven't been sick in almost 3 years since starting LCHF. I am healthier than I have ever been.
The new Michael.
Preparing meals for family members not adhering to lowcarb. Dining out.
Remove all processed foods. Buy and consume only real food from meats, fowl, fish, butter, heavy cream cheese, natural fats, vegetables and occasional berries. Educatoe yourself, read books and blogs about health and nutrition. Good books to start with are: Why we get fat by Gary Taubes, Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis, The Protein Power Life Plan by Drs. Michael and Mary-Dan Eades, Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson. Start with these. There is more, many more good books.