The current model of medical research is:
- Apply for funding and compete with thousands of other highly competitive ideas.
- If you are lucky, you get funding within a few years
- Recruit a relatively small number of subjects from the local area and pay dietitians and doctors and research coordinators
- Financially incentivize study subjects to participate.
This model is highly inefficient, extremely expensive, and only enrolls subjects from the area. But are results on 100 people from Boston, MA really representative of people in Alabama or Australia?
Our philosophy is to turn this model on its head and attempt to study the entire developed world without any funding at all. Using the internet, basic programming skills and some creativity, we are very happy with the progress we've made thus far. Of course none of this would be possible it wasn't for the 3,100 selfless people from around the world who have sacrificed their time and anonymity (only if they request to be featured on the blog) in an effort to improve our understanding of obesity and health through carbohydrate restriction. We thank you all very much.
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