Search. Analyze. Find Trends. Validate Hypotheses.
With data from 3,700 people from 70 countries, we are one of the largest international nutrition studies in the world. Search our 600,000+ data points to find interesting trends, amazing blog content, magazine/newspaper articles. We will give you a detailed report with descriptive statistics and regression analysis. |
Customer search examples: |
Use our free response search algorithm
Due to the sheer volume of text submitted from the 3,700 members, it would be impossible and inefficient to manually comb through all responses and pick out quotes related to a particular topic. Instead, we use a computer alglorithm that searches our database for reports related to a particular keyword and aggregates them all into a condensed file for further analysis. Here are some examples from first 1,000 members: Acne. Joint pain. Hunger. |
"Hunger" free response search example: |
Get raw data for own research
Are you a physician, researcher, journalist or blogger? Are you interested in doing your own research? You can license our de-identified raw data for further analysis. Or we can help prepare a detailed statistical analysis for you.