Research consistently shows that those who keep a food journal lose more weight. In fact in one study, the number of food records kept was the best predictor of weight loss.
Watch what you eat. Literally.Simply take a picture, then enter a description. Separate multiple foods or toppings by commas, and multiply each food by the portion size. See an example food journal.
One step search for many foods Once you understand what one portion of a food looks like, searching for multiple foods with varying portions is a cinch. For example, a 9 ounce steak with 1/2 cup of zucchini and 1 cup of pasta can be easily entered into PhotoCalorie as “Steak*3, pasta, zucchini*0.5.” You can learn about portion sizes here.
Use your hands Use our serving size cheat sheet under the search box to estimate your portion sizes. If the food you ate is bigger or smaller than the serving size pictured, just multiply by the difference (i.e. searching for “broccoli*2” would give you the nutrition for 2 cups of broccoli). Download the iPhone app.
Share your journal with othersShare your journal with friends or family to keep yourself accountable. Or your doctor to help you achieve your goals. As soon as you log a food, they will be able to see it. Learn how here (PDF).
Searching For Foods
All foods in the PhotoCalorie database are standardized to one serving of their respective food categories (See Portion Size page). Therefore, if you search for something, like “chicken breast”, you will get the nutrition for one serving of meat, which is 3 ounces. "Chicken breast *2" would return the nutrition for 2 servings of meat, and so on.
Get nutrition information for multiple foods with one search:
Enter as many foods as you’d like. Separate each food, topping, or sauce, by commas. For example,
"Grilled chicken breast*2, asparagus*3, black coffee*1.5" would return the nutrition for 6 ounces of chicken breast, 3 cups of asparagus, and 1.5 cups of black coffee.
"Grilled chicken breast*2, asparagus*3, black coffee*1.5" would return the nutrition for 6 ounces of chicken breast, 3 cups of asparagus, and 1.5 cups of black coffee.
Multiply by number of servings to include serving sizes in search query:
All the foods are standardized to single portions specific to that food type. (See our Portion Size page). For example
“Brown rice*2″ means 2 servings of brown rice, or 2 cups. “Apple juice*1.5″means 1.5 cups of juice.
“Brown rice*2″ means 2 servings of brown rice, or 2 cups. “Apple juice*1.5″means 1.5 cups of juice.