Blog AdvertisingAppear on the blog sidebar for thousands to view each month. Space will be reserved on a first come first serve basis. There are two spots per month.
If spots are filled for the current month, you will be added to the queue for the following month. $29
Tweets on Your BehalfChoose this package and we will tweet about your services and expertise at regular intervals for one month. The tweets will appear in twitter streams related to your expertise( i.e. #obesity, #weightloss, #diabetes, #paleo, #low carb, etc.)
Example: Say you want to reach an audience that is interested in using paleo diet for management of their diabetes. We will tweet things like "Dr. Smith has been treating obese and #diabetic patients with #paleo nutrition for 30 years. See his services here." Each time we tweet, this tweet will appear in a cumulative list that everyone in the entire world will see who searches twitter for the words '#paleo" and '#diabetic.' Includes: One month of 60 tweets into multiple streams related to your expertise and audience of interest. There are two spots per month. If spots are filled for the current month, you will be added to the queue for the following month. $39
Feature on Front PageYour photo, bio and direct link to your services will appear on the front page of the registry for thousands to view each month. Space will be reserved on a first come first serve basis. There is one spot per month.
If spots are filled for the current month, you will be added to the queue for the following month. $99